회전 핀의 종동 하중에 따른 박판 스프링의 대변형에 대한 연구

A Study on the Large Deflection of Flat Spring Subjected to Follower Load by a Rotating Pin

  • 정일섭 (영남대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The mechanical spring is one of widely used machine elements. Among various kinds, flat-type spring loaded by a rotating pin was studied. A flat spring was simplified to a cantilever beam, and numerical analysis was attempted. Since the loading pin rotates about a separate axis from the fixed spring or vice versa, the location, direction, and magnitude of the contact force including normal contact and friction loads vary accordingly. Meanwhile, the spring is deformed substantially as the relative motion progresses. Therefore, this problem needs to be formulated taking the follower loading characteristics and geometrical non-linearity into account. Derived nonlinear differential equation was solved to yield the spring deflection, contact force and the torque to rotate the pin, and the result was compared with a finite element solution. Also, the influences of principal design parameters were studied. The proposed methodology is expected to be useful for the design of pin-loaded flat spring and the prevention of mechanical failures in the form of yielding or fatigue failure of spring or severe wear of the components.



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