Modeling New Generation Expansion Planning Problems for Applications in Competitive Electric Power Industries

전력시장에 적용 가능한 새로운 전원개발계획문제 모델링

  • Published : 2004.09.01


The demise of the native franchise markets and the emergence of competitive markets in electricity generation service is substantially altering the way that operation and planning activity is conducted and is making it increasingly difficult for market participants such as generation firms to prospect the future electricity markets. Traditional generation expansion planning (GEP) problems which centrally determine the least-cost capacity addition plan that meets forecasted demand within pre-specified reliability criteria over a planning horizon (typically 10 to 20 years) is becoming no more valid in competitive market environments. Therefore, it requires to develop a new methodology for generation investments, which is applicable to the changed electric industry business environments and is able to address the post-privatization situation where individual generation firms seek to maximize their return on generation investments against uncertain market revenues. This paper formulates a new generation expansion planning problem and solve it in a market-oriented manner.



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