철도 차량 정비 작업자를 위한 일회용 부직포 작업복의 온열적 성능 평가

Evaluation of the Thermal Properties of Disposable Coveralls for Railroad Carriage Maintenance Workers

  • 최정화 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 이주영 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학) ;
  • 김소영 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This study evaluated thermo-physiological and subjective properties of improved disposable coveralls for railroad carriage maintenance through climatic chamber trials and a filed study. Subjects wore five kinds of disposable coveralls (Type A: a disposable coverall on the market, Type B: a coverall with an improved hood and size-adjustable design, Type C: a coverall with a portable hood, Type D: a coverall with small holes for ventilation, Type E: a sleeveless coverall, Type F: a separated type of coverall with half sleeves) The air temperature in the climatic chamber was set in 9$^{\circ}C$ and 30$^{\circ}C$ For each condition, subjects simulated the railroad work for 120min. and rectal temperature, skin temperatures, clothing microclimate and subjective sensations were measured. The results of chamber trials showed rectal temperature and clothing microclimate did not display significant differences by clothing type. In 30$^{\circ}C$ air temperature, mean skin temperature was higher in Type E and Type F than in Type A(p<0.05) but between the improved coveralls(B-F), we could not find any significant difference. In the case of thermal comfort, the most preferred types were Type B and Type C in 9$^{\circ}C$ and Type F in 30$^{\circ}C$. All subjects felt more comfortable in the improved coveralls than in coveralls of the market (Type A). In field study, workers preferred Type B, Type C and Type F to Type A but the most favorite type differed by the specific type of work. Especially, workers were dissatisfied that Type D tore easily due to lots of small holes around the armpits and Type I did not protect workers' shoulder and arms from oil contamination. According to the climatic chamber trials and field study, the most effective coveralls were Type B and Type C for winter and Type F for summer.



  1. 한국온열환경학회지 v.2 no.3 의복착용시스템이 인체의 생리적 반응 및 열적 괘적성에 미치는 영향ㅂ 권오경;김태규
  2. 한국생활환경학회지 v.6 no.2 기온 변화와 운동복 형태가 운동 중 인체에 미치는 영향 김광희;박기호
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  4. 작업환경관리 박종안;차상은;김현영;이영세;원정일;박정균;이병수;박상래;반정열;박노춘;최상구;이순자;서재국;김동수
  5. 한국의류학회지 v.16 no.4 시판 에어로빅복의 재료 특성에 따른 쾌적 성능에 관한 연구 염희경;최정화
  6. 한국생활환경학회지 v.4 no.4 에어로빅복의 의복 형태에 따른 착용감 이미경;류숙희
  7. 의복과 환경 이순원;조성교;최정화
  8. 한국의류학회지 v.26 no.6 고청정 작업 환경에서 방진복 디자인이 인체 생리 반응에 미치는 영향 이윤정;정찬주;정재은
  9. 한국의류학회지 v.25 no.1 더운 환경에서의 냉각조끼의 착용 효과에 관한 연구 최정화;황경숙
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  11. 2003년도 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회 proceeding 실험 가운 종류와 실내 기온에 따른 인체의 생리 반응 및 주관적 반응 최정화;이주영;김소영
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