현대 패션에 나타난 블랙드레스의 이미지에 관한 연구

The Study about Black Dress Image of Mordern Fashion

  • 김기례 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 채금석 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


The purpose of the study is to give new aesthetic values of black dress one of the important items in contemporary women's fashion. Through the work, to give the new aesthetic characteristics that women really needed can be found. This study was processed by fashion books and articles, literal material with fashion photos which were related fashion trend from 1920 to the present. The results are as follows: In early 20th century, the black dress, which had simple form pursuing function like little black dress. In the middle of the 20th century, elegance and minimalism was represented by black dress, expressed erotic images together with see-through fabrics. In the end of the 20th century, body conscious style of black dress expressed sensual images of women. Modem black dress has design characteristics of the form: simple, close, exposure type and of the materials: matte, transparent and dazzling etc. Simple type emphasizes feminine elegance, while close type and exposure type disclose woman body curve to express erotic images. Matte materials made black dress express feminine elegance while transparent materials and dazzling materials made black dress express erotic and sensual beauty. The aesthetic characteristics of black dress were as followings: Sensualism expresses sexual attractiveness of women-close type and exposure type black dress and see-through materials and dazzling materials made black dress. Simplicity of extreme decoration effects are expressed through black dress having temperate and simple form. Femineity expresses traditional femineity to emphasize chaste, modest and elegant women images-the black dress, which is made of simple form, velvet and satin materials. Modernism combines black colour, which is called modem colour, with simplicity and function factors and pursues simple form. Ascetic practice controls mental and physical desire of the individuals, simple form without decoration covering up woman body and box type silhouette of black dress. Therefore, the study on image of the black dress, which have made appearance at modern fashion, is thought to help develop fashion trends and design, through which modern women express themselves and their beauty.



  1. 홍익대학교 석사학위 논문 흑색의상의 조형성과 상징성에 관한 연구 곽혜선
  2. 모피, 히피, 철면피:패션과 정치디자인 문화비평2 김성복
  3. 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 복식에 표현된 여성의 몸 이미지 김은희
  4. 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 중세풍 복식의 미적가치에 관한 연구 김태연
  5. 디자인과 색채 메이트랜드 그레이브;배만실(옮김)
  6. 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 서양복식에 나타난 검정색의 이미지 문혜정
  7. 한국 패션 비즈니스학회 v.5 no.2 리틀 블랙드세스의 활용을 통한 미적특성 연구 박혜원;김여숙
  8. 패션의 클래식 베아테 슈미트;잉그리트 로쉑;황현숙(옮김)
  9. 이화여자대학교 석사학위 논문 현대패션에 나타난 블랙의 미의식에 관한 연구 송명희
  10. 청주대학교 석사학위 논문 패션의 에로티시즘 송희정
  11. 국민대학교 석사학위 논문 블랙의상의 에로티시즘 표현에 관한 연구 임정순
  12. 색의 유혹-재미있는 열세가지 색깔이야기 에바헬러;이영희(옮김)
  13. 복식과 문화 조오순;박혜원
  14. 컬렉션 사진자료
  15. 색채심리 파버비렌:김화중(옮김)
  16. 복식미학 板倉壽卽;이현숙(옮김)
  17. The Language of Clothes Alison Lurie
  18. The Little Black Dress Amy Holman Edelman
  19. Univers of Fashion:Yves Saint Laurent Pierre Berge
  20. 20th Century Fashion Valerie Mendes;Amy de la Haye
  21. Dressed In Black Valerie Mendes
  22. Vogue
  23. 색체의 미술 요하내스 이텐;김수역(옮김)
  24. 현대복식미학(개정판) 채금석