철도디젤차량에서 배출되는 오염물질의 배출량 산정방법 개발

Development of Estimation Methods of Pollutant Emissions from Railroad Diesel Rolling Stocks

  • 박덕신 (한국철도기술연구원 철도환경연구그룹) ;
  • 김동술 (경희대학교 환경응용화학대학 대기오염연구실 및 환경연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


Up to the present time, many methods to estimate emissions from a particular diesel engines have wholly depended on the quantity of diesel fuel consumed. Then, the recommended emission factors were normalized by fuel consumption, and further total activity was estimated by the total fuel consumed. One of main purposes in the study is newly to develop emission factors for the railroad diesel rolling stock (RDRS) and to estimate a total amount of major gaseous pollutants from the RDRS in Korea. Prior to develop a Korean mode emission factor. the emission factor from the USEPA was simply applied for comparative studies. When applying the USEPA emission factors, total exhaust emissions from the RDRS in Korea were estimated by 28,117tons of NOx, 2,832.3tons of CO, and 1,237.5tons of HC, etc in 2001. In this study, a emission factor for the RDRS, so called the KoRail mode (the Korean Railroad mode) has been developed on the basis of analyzing the driving pattern of the Gyeongbu-Line especially for the line-haul mode. Explicitly to make the site specific emission factors, many uncertainty problems concerning weighting factors for each power mode, limited emission test, incomplete data for RDRS, and other important input parameters were extensively examined. Total exhaust emissions by KoRail mode in Korea were estimated by 10,960tons of NOx, and 4,622tons of CO, and so on in the year of 2001. The emissions estimated by the USEPA mode were 2.6 times higher for NOx, and 1.6 times lower for CO than those by the KoRail mode. As a conclusion, based on the emission calculated from both the USEPA mode and the KoRail mode, the RDRS is considered as one of the significant mobile sources for major gaseous pollutants and thus management plans an(1 control strategies for the RDRS must be established to improve air quality near future in Korea.



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  4. 경유 엔진에 의한 대기오염물질 저감대책에 관한 연구(III) 국립환경연구원
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