봄철 서울지역 야간 오존농도 상승에 미치는 장거리 수송의 영향

The Influence of Long-range Transport on Springtime Nocturnal Ozone Enhancement in Seoul

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


In Seoul metropolitan area, nocturnal variation of surface ozone concentrations observed at 27 monitoring sites from 1998 to 2002 showed that high ozone levels occurred frequently during the spring. Frequency distributions for nighttime ozone indicated that elevated concentrations in spring were influenced by advection of different air mass compared to other seasons. Surface wind analysis during the spring revealed that relatively strong southwesterly winds were associated with nocturnal ozone enhancement, which can be attributed to the regional transport of ozone. In order to identify the origin of nocturnal ozone enhancement in spring, 3-day backward trajectories were calculated by HYSPLIT 4 for the episode days and then classified. The results showed that NW, W, and SW flows, indicating influence of polluted air masses from the China continent, have 51% in a]1 the episode days, which suggest that the nocturnal ozone enhancement can occur under the effect of long-range transport of ozone-laden air mass on a regional scale. Case study of nocturnal ozone maxima associated with long-range transport was discussed in more detail in the light of meteorological conditions. Southwesterly synoptic flow along the outer edge of moving high-pressure system was found to be the important cause of nocturnal ozone maxima in Seoul. This flow could lead to be long-range transport of ozone that had effectively accumulated in the stagnating portion of the system located eastern coast of China. Low atmosphere soundings, backward trajectories, and elevated ozone and CO levels at the back-ground tiles gave evidence for regional effects on nocturnal ozone enhancement In Seoul.



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