Retrospection of Elementary Science Education

초등 과학교육의 회고

  • Published : 2004.08.01


This retrospection of elementary science education is very carefully and only my opinions during about 40 years in my life. They are a few articles as follow, 1. My body put into science education about 30 years ago, and started college life at that time. 2. The author participated the SCIS programs from the Unites States. 3. He participated in the development of elementary science textbooks (units on earth science parts and photographs), observation note-books, and teachers guides from third period (1973) to sixth (2000), and also middle school textbooks in 1976. 4. He participated in the setup of science education center in Chenogju National University 1976, and science gift education center 1998. 5. He was the member of earth science Part in observation group to visit south Asia (Japan, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand on 1-28 August, 1977. 6. He was the president of KOREAN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE EDUCATION SOCIETY in 1997-1998.
