Elementary School Students' Psychological Proximity of Electricity and Magnetism Concepts

전기와 자기 개념간의 근접도에 대한 초등학생의 학년별 변화

  • 권성기 (대구교육대학교 과학교육과) ;
  • 이재호 (대구 서재초등학교)
  • Published : 2004.08.01


Elementary science curriculum is designed to be closely-related magnetism with electricity in a physics domain and this paper explored whether elementary school students have recognized of relationships between them and whether there are any trends in the degree of recognition by grades. The elementary students of 3rd to 6th grade (total 154 persons) in a school in a local city participated in the experiment. Two forms of questionnaire were administrated to each grades. In the first questionnaire about magnetism, students were asked to rank the physics terms as the degree of proximity into magnetism and to write briefly the reason. In the second questionnaire about electricity, students were asked to do the same routine. The closer to the central term in the diagram, the lower score were given and the terms were classified as closely related to magnetism, electricity and the rest. Calculated the response frequency and averaged by the ranked terms, it was examined that the scores of proximity in how students closely rated conception to magnetism and electricity. The result said that the upper grades students showed the degree of proximity with magnetism and electricity as closely. Therefore, the sequence of comprehension of magnetism and electricity concept, which was found in the elementary school curriculum, seems to be found in the elementary students' recognitions by grades.
