인터넷 쇼핑몰사이트 평가 척도 개발

Development of an Evaluation Scale of Internet Shopping Mall Sites

  • 김기옥 (성균관대학교 가족경영ㆍ소비자학과) ;
  • 남수정 (성균관대학교 가족경영ㆍ소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This study investigated the factors in evaluating internet shopping mall sites, and developed a self-report evaluation scale of such sites, This article identifies factors to determine criteria for evaluating the sites from the consumers' viewpoint. Eighty three items were extracted initially, which were then categorized as follows: \circled1 Type of business, \circled2 Navigation ease, \circled3 Technological level, \circled4 Design of sites, \circled5 Communication ease, \circled6 Information available, \circled7 Ease of access, and \circled8 Site security, Overall reliability coefficients were high in the individual domains ($\alpha$=.86 to $\alpha$=.95). Face validity and contents validity were demonstrated to be good, There were significant differences in the means of these categories. The results also show that the technological level is the most important in shopping mall sites evaluation. These results may be used not only as a tool to evaluate shopping mall sites but also as a guideline to improve the quality of a shopping mall site that is under development.



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