저항전분이 인체 혈당 조절기능에 미치는 영향

Effect of Resistant Starch on Human Glycemic Response

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


In order to observe the effects of resistant starches on human glycemic response, nine female university students were investigated using cellulose (CED), resistant starch 3 (RS3D) and resistant starch 4 (RS4D) diets. Each woman's blood sugar and insulin, triacylglycerol and free fatty in plasma concentration were measured at fasting state, then 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 minute after each test diet feeding. Glycemic indices of the Cellulose diet (CED: 57.9 $\pm3.00$), the Resistant starch 3 diet (RS3D: 52.6 $\pm7.9$) and the Resistant starch 4 diet (RS4D: 52.9 $\pm10.2$) were similar to each other, but they were significantly lower in comparison with those of white wheat bread diet (WWBD: 100). Insulinemic indices of the CED (49.8 $\pm8.2$), RS3D (50.0 $\pm7.3$) and RS4D (72.4 $\pm7.7$) were significantly lower in comparison with the white wheat bread diet (WWBD: 100), but among the dietary fiber diets, the insulinemic index of RS4D was significantly higher than the CED and the RS3D. Plasma triacylglycerol contents of the CED, RS3D and RS4D including WWBD showed gradual increase in tendency after lowering in early stage of each test diet feeding, but not significantly different in each dietary fiber added diet. Plasma free fatty acid contents of the CED, RS3D and RS4D including WWBD showed gradual decrease in tendency after each test diet feeding, but not significantly different by each dietary fiber added diet. In above results, we speculate that resistant starch 3 controls rapid elevation of blood sugar by delaying intestinal digestion and absorption of cellulose, but the result appears to be different from RS4 in comparison. Thus, RS3 intakes may contribute to the diet therapy of diabetic humans, but more studies on RS4 is needed in the future. (Korean J Community Nutrition 9(4): 528∼535, 2004)



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