The History of Uniform Structures

고른 구조의 역사

  • Published : 2004.08.01


In the Analysis, there have been many cases of confusion on topological structure and uniform structure because they were dealt in metric spaces. The concept of metric spaces is generalized into that of topological spaces but its uniform aspect was much later generalized into the uniform structure by A. Weil. We first investigate Weil's life and his mathematical achievement and then study the history of the uniform structure and its development.

해석학에서는 위상 구조와 고른 구조를 거리 공간에서 다루었기 때문에 많은 혼동이 있었다. 거리 공간의 개념은 위상 구조로 일반화되었지만 '고르다'는 개념은 그 후에 앙드레 베이유에 의해서 고른 구조로 일반화되었다. 우리는 먼저 베이유의 삶과 그의 수학적 업적을 살피고 고른 구조의 역사와 발달에 대해서 알아볼 것이다.



  1. Topologie I Alexandroff, P.;Hopf, H.
  2. Quaestiones Math. v.21 The completions of nearness frame Banaschewski, B.;Hong, S.S.;Pultr, A.
  3. General Topology Part Ⅰ, Ⅱ Elements of Mathematics Bourbaki, N.
  4. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Cantor, G.
  5. C. R. Acad. Sc. v.205 Theorie des filters: filtres et ultrafiltres Cartan, H.
  6. Sur la convergence des series Exercices d'Analyse, 2 Annee Cauchy, A. L.
  7. Oeuvres(Ⅱ) v.7
  8. Grenoble v.23 Convergences Choquet, G.
  9. Mathl. Ann. v.137 Limesraume Fischer, H.R.
  10. Rend. Palermo v.22 Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel Frechet, M.
  11. Rend. Palermo v.30 Les ensembles abstraits et le calcul fonctionnel Frechet, M.
  12. Grundzuge der Mengenlehre Hausdorff, F.
  13. Mengenlehre Hausdorff, F.
  14. Crell's Journal v.71 Uber trigonometrische Reihen Heine, E.
  15. Crell's Journal v.74 Die Elemente der Functionenlehre Heine, E.
  16. Amer. Math. Soc. Uniform Spaces Isbell, J.R.
  17. Stone Spaces Johnstone, P.T.
  18. Fund. Math. v.113 Tychonoff's theoerm without the axiom of choice Johnstone, P.T
  19. Topologie I Alexandroff, P.;Hopf, H.
  20. Quaestiones Math. v.21 The completions of nearness frame Banaschewski, B.;Hong, S.S.;Pultr, A.
  21. General Topology Part Ⅰ, Ⅱ Elements of Mathematics Bourbaki, N.
  22. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Cantor, G.
  23. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris v.205 Theorie des filters: filtres et ultrafiltres Cartan, H.
  24. Sur la convergence des series Exercices d'Analyse, 2 Annee Cauchy, A.-L.
  25. Oeuvres(Ⅱ) v.7
  26. Annales Univ. Grenoble v.23 Convergences Choquet, G.
  27. Math. Ann. v.137 Limesr${\ddot{a}}$aume Fischer, H.R.
  28. Rend. Palermo v.22 Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel Frechet, M.
  29. Rend. Palermo v.30 Les ensembles abstraits et le calcul fonctionnel Frechet, M.
  30. Grundzuge der Mengenlehre Hausdorff. F.
  31. Mengenlehre Hausdorff, F.
  32. Crelle's Journal v.71 Uber trigonometrische Reihen Heine, E.
  33. Crelle's Journal v.74 Die Elemente der Functionenlehre Heine, E.
  34. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence Uniform Spaces Isbell, J.R.
  35. Stone Spaces Johnstone, P.T.
  36. Fund. Math. v.113 Tychonoff's theoerm without the axiom of choice Johnstone, P.T.
  37. General Topology Kelly, J. L.
  38. Math. Nachr. v.12 Limesraume und Kompattierung Kowalski, H.J.
  39. Topology Kuratowski, K.
  40. Amer. Journ. Math. v.44 A general theory of limits Moore, E.H.;Smith H.L.
  41. Gesammelte mathematische Werke Riemann, B.
  42. Math. Ann. v.102 Uber die Topologische Erweiterung von Raumen Tychonoff, A.
  43. Act. Scient. et Ind. no.551 Sur les espaces a structure uniforme et sur la topologie generale Weil, A.
  44. 한국수학사학회지 v.16 no.1 부정방정식에 대하여 최상기
  45. 양식의 과학 Devlin, K.;허민(역);오혜영(역)
  46. 한국수학사학회지 v.10 no.1 순서와 위상구조의 관계 홍성사;홍영희
  47. 한국수학사학회지 v.10 no.2 Categorical Topology의 역사 홍성사;홍영희
  48. 한국수학사학회지 v.14 no.2 수렴구조의 역사 한용현