척추 측만과 위장장애와의 관련성

Relations between Scoliosis and Gastroenteric Disorder

  • 홍상진 (대전대학교 보건스포츠 대학원) ;
  • 김은영 (대전대학교 보건스포츠 대학원)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between thoracic scoliosis and gastroenteric disorder. In this article, We surveyed sixty two patients and investigated through a questionnaire the health and meal habits, digestive trouble levels, stress levels(BEPSI-K), and the stress response index(SRI). Participants were classified according to each group in over $10^{\circ}$(vertebral scoliosis), under $10^{\circ}$(functional scoliosis) and made a diagnosis of X-ray of scoliosis grade. The data was took statistics on two group by independent t-test, chi-square test with SPSS/PC+ 10.0 program. The statistically significance was a p<.05 and the following results were obtained; 1. In general characteristics, The thoracic scoliosis was as many as women, weight 50∼60kg, height 160∼170cm, married person. 2. Relations between health and meal habit with thoracic scoliosis was not statistically significant(p>.05). 3. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and digestive trouble level was statistically significance (p<.05). 4. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and incidence rate of internal disease was statistically significant(p<.05). 5. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and stress(BEPSI-K) was statistically significant(p<.05). 6. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and stress(SRI) was statistically significant(p<.05). These results lead us to the conclusion that thoracic scoliosis influences digestive trouble, incidence rate of internal disease and stress. However, there results are not easy to explain because of the limitations of a few subjects and a single comparison. Therefore, further research on this study thoroughgoing inspection would clarify the association of thoracic scoliosis and gastroenteric disorders.



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