Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Korea College Students and Effects of Sexual Education on Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes

대학생의 성지식, 태도, 행동실태 및 성교육 효과에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.03.01


This study was done to examine the sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Korea college students and investigate the effects of sexual education programs on college students with respect to their sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes. For these objectives, a single 92 item sexual questionnaire was administered to 213 college students (113 in the experimental group and 100 in the control group) as a pretest one day before the experimental group participated in a sexual education program. Then a three week sexual education program was given to the experimental group and a posttest was administered to both groups day after the program. The findings from the pretest; 1) The main sources of sexual information were friends, Internet, books and magazines. College students in this study showed relatively high scores on their overall sexual knowledge but showed low scores on their knowledge of venereal disease and HIV/AIDS. Female students had a higher sexual knowledge of physiology, pregnancy and sexual abuse than male students. 2) The overall sexual attitudes of college students were subjective. They showed especially strong liberal attitudes to premarital intercourse, had few double standards and agreed on induced abortion. Male students showed a more liberal attitude to premarital intercourse and extramarital intercourse (X²=50.679, p<.001). Christian students showed the lowest rates of permissiveness for induced abortion than students of other religions. 3) 64.9% of the subjects in this study had experience in intercourse. The gender and age of students did influence the experience rates of intercourse. Male students had much higher rates of intercourse than female students (X²=13.565, p<.001) and older students had higher experience rates of intercourse. 4) From the analysis of the relationship between sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, this study revealed that sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes of college students have a correlation 6=0.324, p=0.000). Students' experience of intercourse did not influence their sexual knowledge scores, but did influence their sexual attitudes. Students who had experience of intercourse showed more liberal sexual attitudes than those students who did not (t=2.677, p<.050). And students who were exposed to sexual media such as pornography, sexual magazines, sexual books and the Internet, also showed more liberal sexual attitudes than those students who were not. The findings from the comparison of pretest and posttest ; 1. The sexual knowledge of the experimental group that participated in the sexual education program was significantly increased after the program compared to before the program (p<.001). However the control group did not show any significant change in their sexual knowledge. 2. The sexual attitudes of the experimental group were also changed significantly becoming less liberal (p<.001). The control group also showed significant change in their sexual attitudes, also becoming less liberal (p<.001). Therefore, the sexual education program used in this study was effective in increasing college students' accurate sexual knowledge, but had little effect on their sexual attitudes.



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