Sex Determination of In Vitro Fertilized Bovine Embryos by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Technique

  • Han, M.S. (Department of Animal Science and Biotech. & RAIRC, Jinju National University) ;
  • Cho, E.J. (Department of Animal Science and Biotech. & RAIRC, Jinju National University) ;
  • Ha, H.B. (Department of Animal Science and Biotech. & RAIRC, Jinju National University) ;
  • Park, H.S. (Department of Animal Science and Biotech. & RAIRC, Jinju National University) ;
  • Sohn, S.H. (Department of Animal Science and Biotech. & RAIRC, Jinju National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Sexing from bovine embryos which were fertilized in vitro implicate a possibility of the sex-controlled cattle production. This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of determining of embryo sex by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique. FISH was achieved in in vitro fertilized bovine embryos using a bovine Y-specific DNA probe which constructed from the btDYZ-1 sequences. To evaluate Y-chromosome specificity of the FISH probe, metaphase spreads of whole embryos and lymphocytes were prepared and tested. A male-specific signal was detected on 100% of Y chromosome bearing metaphase specimens. Using the FISH technique with a bovine Y-specific probe, 232 whole embryos of 8 cell- to blastocyst-stage were analyzed. Observing the presence of the Y-probe signal on blastomeres, 102 embryos were predicted as male, and 130 embryos as female. The determining rate of embryo sex by FISH technique was about 93% regardless of embryonic stages. In conclusion, the FISH using a bovine Y-specific DNA probe is an accurate, reliable and quick method for determining the sex of bovine embryos.



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