Web Server Cluster Load Balancing

  • Kyung Sung (Department of Computer Education, Mokwon University) ;
  • Kim, Seok-Soo (Department of Computer & Multimedia, Hannam University)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


This study designs a load balancer via direct routing that share a virtual service on a single IP address in the Linux system and suggests an efficient load balancing method to improve transmission speed in the web server cluster environment. It will increase performance and scalability with fast packet transfer and removing bottleneck problem by using TCP Splicing and Content-Aware Distributor method. This method is expected to be the noticeable technology that provides an important interface, which make application services for e-commerce effectively be applied to high-speed network infrastructure. At this time, it is required to study further on the optimum balancing method in the web server cluster environment so as to apply the hybrid (optimum load balancing method by software and hardware) method and improve the reuse of security cession based on high-speed TCP connections.



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