Radiographic and CT Diagnosis Of Otitis Media In a Dog

개에서 컴퓨터 단층촬영상을 통한 중이염의 진단

  • Published : 2004.06.01


A castrated male, 6 year-old Shih-Tzu, weighing 4.6 kg with a discharge from the external ear canal and a mal-odor was referred to Verterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Seoul National University. Radiographic findings were narrowing and focal loss of an air density in the left ear canal and bilateral thickening of the osseous bullae. For more detail examination, computed tomography was used. In computed tomographic findings, bilateral thickening of the bulla wall and increased opacity of the bulla space were observed. Thus this dog was diagnosed as bilateral otitis media. Then surgical correction, total ear canal ablation, was performed successfully and the patient showed a good prognosis thereafter. It is considered that computed tomography might serve as an useful imaging tool for otitis media and that it supplies information not obtained with a conventional radiography.



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