개에서 초음파를 이용한 간 종괴의 세침흡인술 증례

Diagnostic Approach of Hepatic Mass using Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration in a Dog

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Hepatic mass was aspirated under the guidance with ultrasound in 9-year old female maltese with signs of anorexia, hematochezia, vomiting, depression, and abdominal distension. Radiographic and abdominal ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which revealed enlarged tubular shaped uterine mass and solitary, small round hyperechoic hepatic mass dorsal to gall bladder as an incidental finding. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration was completed, but histologic confirmation should be made for definitive diagnosis by tissue core or wedge biopsy.



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