Changes in Dietary Guidance: Implications for Food Composition Tables

  • Murphy, Suzanne P. (Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of Hawaii)
  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


New Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) forthe United States and Canada have recently been set for both macronutrients and micronutrients, and are likely to be of interest to health professionals in Korea as well. DRIs are now available for nutrients that did not have Recommended Dietary Allowances set in the past (amino acids, n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, total fiber, added sugar, choline, boron, nickel, and vanadium). Furthermore, the units for the DRIs do not always match those traditionally carried on food composition tables (FCTs). FCT developers will also need to consider carrying new variables to allow the calculation of folate intake in $\mu$g of dietary folate equivalents, vitamin E intake as mg of a-tocopherol (not as mg of a-tocopherol equivalents), and vitamin A intake as $\mu$g of retinol activity equivalents (not as $\mu$g of retinol equivalents). Because the new recommendations for upper levels of intake sometimes refer to a specific form or source of a nutrient, nutrients occurring in foods must be separated from added or supplemental forms for vitamin E, niacin, and folate; pharmacological magnesium must be carried as a separate variable; and preformed vitamin A must be separated from vitamin A from carotenoids. For more information on the DRIs, see:
