AHP를 이용한 기계화분야 미래유망기술의 우선순위 설정

Priority Setting for Future Core Technologies in Biosystems Engineering using the Analytic Hierarchy Process


The study focused on setting priority among the future core technologies that were derived by Delphi in agricultural management & information using analytic hierarchy process(AHP). Items for setting priority were decided as ‘technology’, ‘market’, and ‘public concerns’by council. The future core technologies were divided into four parts by importance and R&D level. Technologies which consisted of upper two parts having higher importance were considered in the study. Questionnaires were given to 9 specialists in biosystems engineering. As the results, ‘market’ was decided as a most important item. The most important technologies were ‘Developing technology and system of post harvest processing for higher quality rice’ in group I, and ‘Developing sensor technology to evaluate quality and safety for agricultural products’ in group II.



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