• Yoo, Chul-sang (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


In this study the GFDL GCM generated (controlled run) zonal average temperature data are evaluated by comparing their EOFs with those from observed data. Even though the correlation matrices of observed and simulated data are shown significantly different (Polyak and North, 1997b), the EOFs derived are found very similar with very high pattern correlations. This means almost all the information (second-order statistics) derived from the observed data can be reproduced by the EOFs derived from the GFDL GCM simulates. Also, the EOFs from GFDL GCM were found to have more flexible structures than those from the observed. Thus, we may conclude that the GFDL GCM can simulate the Earth's energy balance system reasonably. However, more in detail research should be focused on the effect from various forcings on climate variability, as, in some cases, the effect of external forcings could shadow the system characteristics and mislead the simulation results.



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