유기안료의 첨가가 도공층의 표면특성에 미치는 영향

Influence of Orgnainc Pigment Addition on Surface Properties of Coating Layer

  • 정경모 (일본 찌바대학 자연과학연구과) ;
  • 이용규 (강원대학교 산림과학대학 제지공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


In this experiment the effects of the packing structure of pigment on the surface characteristics (smoothness and gloss) of coated paper are studied. Four different kinds of inorganic pigments(clay), ground calcium carbonate(GCC), two of precipitated calcium carbonates(PCC), and two organic pigments(solid bead and hollow type) were used. The method of measuring the relative sediment volume(RSV) was used to analyze the packing structure of coating layer. The relative sediment volume was measured, using the pressure dewatering dry-cake method(PDDM) and centrifuge method. Also, the particle size distribution of coating pigment was determined. The results showed that small amount of organic pigment, added to inorganic pigment, improved smoothness and its effect was greater when GCC was used as inorganic pigment. The efficiency of organic pigment depended upon the inorganic pigment since the organic pigment is packed in the pores formed by the inorganic pigment.



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