시뮬레이션을 이용한 ASP 탄약 불출에 관한 연구

Studies on ASP Ammo Issue using Simulation

  • 김장현 (육군교육사령부 체계분석실) ;
  • 이해관 (육군교육사령부 체계분석) ;
  • 박헌근 (육군교육사령부 체계분석) ;
  • 박춘식 (육군교육사령부 체계분석) ;
  • 곽종선 (홍익대학교 상경대학)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This is a case study which establishes effective ammo issue plan and determines ammo support capability by linking various situations about ammo issue with wargame simulation. Ammo function simulation model has been developed for this matter and it has been proven that the model has significant impact on type of round, parking space for magazine, number of workers and capacity of equipment, etc. during establishing ammo issue plan and determining ammo supply capability. Also, ammo support capability varies significantly depending on tactical damage and MOPP status, etc. ASP's tactical situation, such as magazine damage, MOPP status, type of issuing round, parking space for magazine, number of workers and capacity of equipment, can be reflected when preparing an effective wartime ammo working hour issuing plan for supplying ammo to units through studies results, so that the issuing plan can be realistic and actual.



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