데이터 마이닝 기반의 군사특기 분류 방법론 연구

A Data-Mining-based Methodology for Military Occupational Specialty Assignment

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


In this paper, we propose a new data-mining-based methodology for military occupational specialty assignment. The proposed methodology consists of two phases, feature selection and man-power assignment. In the first phase, the k-means partitioning algorithm and the optimal variable weighting algorithm are used to determine attribute weights. We address limitations of the optimal variable weighting algorithm and suggest a quadratic programming model that can handle categorical variables and non-contributory trivial variables. In the second phase, we present an integer programming model to deal with a man-power assignment problem. In the model, constraints on demand-supply requirements and training capacity are considered. Moreover, the attribute weights obtained in the first phase for each specialty are used to measure dissimilarity. Results of a computational experiment using real-world data are provided along with some analysis.



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