공동주택 경관평가를 위한 시각밀도 지표에 관한 연구 입면차폐도와 규제지침을 중심으로

An Visual Density Index for the Housing Landscape Evaluation Focused on the Elevation Coverage Index

  • 강인호 (한남대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 이승미 (한남대학교 건축학부 대학원)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Recently the landscape of housing has been emphasized. This trend seems to reflect the negative aspects of housing landscape in urban area. Throughout the analysis on the various visual density index, the following findings were obtained; 1) Elevation blockage ratio(EBR) was permitted differently according to the types of housing blocks, and the preference of block layout was different to the location of site. 2) EBR regulation level was acceptable. But 40m level of general area should be stepped up to the 35m level. 3) The correlation between the floor area ratio(FAR) and the EBR was not high. Therefore it is reasonable to regulate the EBR to the location. 4) Elevation coverage ratio(ECR) was highly correlated with the FAR. It means that FAR can substitute for the ECR, and ECR should be regulated to the level of FAR.



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