공공사업으로 인한 어업피해 범위와 피해정도 추정의 새로운 통계학적 접근

A New Statistical Approach for the Estimation of Range and Degree of Fisheries Damages Caused by Public Undertaking

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This study attempts to suggest a new approach of the estimation of range and degree of fisheries damages caused by a large scale of reclamation undertaken in coastal area using the central limit theorem(CLT) in statistics. The key result of the study is the introduction of the new concept of critical variation of environmental factor($d_{c}$). The study defines $d_{c}$ as a standard deviation of the sample mean($\bar{X}$) of environmental factor(X), in other words, $\frac{\sigma}{ \sqrt{n}}$. The inner bound of $d_{c}$ could be the area of fisheries damages caused by public coastal undertaking. The study also defines the decreasing rate of fisheries production$\delta_{\varepsilon}$, in other words, degree of fisheries damages, as the rate of change in the distribution of sample mean(($\bar{X}$), caused by the continuous and constant variation of environmental factor. Therefore $\delta_{\varepsilon}$ can be easily calculated by the use of table of the standardized normal distribution.
