Recursive 구조를 이용한 MPEG-2 AAC 복호화기의 필터뱅크 구현

Architecture Design for MPEG-2 AAC Filter bank Decoder using Recursive Structure

  • 박세기 (대구대학교 정보통신공학과 디지털신호처리 연구실) ;
  • 강명수 (대구대학교 정보통신공학과 디지털신호처리 연구) ;
  • 오신범 (대구대학교 정보통신공학과 디지털신호처리 연구) ;
  • 이채욱 (대구대학교 정보통신공학과 디지털신호처리 연구실)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding(AAC) is widely used in the multi-channel audio compression standards. And it combines hi인-resolution filter bank prediction techniques, and Huffman coding algorithm to achieve the broadcast-quality audio level at very low data rates. The forward and inverse modified discrete transforms which are operated in the encoder and the decoder of the filter bank need many computations. In this paper, we propose suitable recursive structure at IMDCT processing for MPEG-2 AAC real-time decoder. We confirm the memory, the computation speed and complexity of the proposed structure.



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  2. Signal Processing Letters v.3 Regressive implementations for the formward and inverse MDCT in MPEG audio coding Hwang Cheng Chiang;Jie Cherng Liu
  3. Signal Processing System, 2001 IEEE Workshop on New recursive algorithms for the forward and inverse MDCT Nikolajevic,V.;Fettweis,G.
  4. IEEE International Conference v.3 Architecture design for MPEG-2 AAC filterbank decoder using modified regressive method Tsung han Tsai;Jiun nan Liu
  5. Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions v.45 A fast MPEG-audio layer Ⅲ algorithm for a 32-bit MCU Sakamoto,T.;Taruki,M.;Hase,T.
  6. signal processing, IEEE Transactions [see also Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions v.51 Fast IMDCT and MDCT algorithms - a matrix approach Mu Huo Cheng;Yu Hsin Hsu