태풍에 의한 벼 잎 파열의 품종간 차이 및 잎 파열이 수량과 미질에 미치는 영향

Variation in Leaf Mechanical Damage by Typhoon among Rice Cultivars: Effects on Yield and Rice Quality

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Typhoon "MAEMI", happened in September 2003, hit the great damage to Gyeongnam province area. Especially, rice plant was lodged or severe leaf damage was caused. This study was conducted to find out the extents of leaf damage among different rice cultivars, and to evaluate rice yield and eating quality due to leaf damage after typhoon. Rice cultivars torn off over half of the flag leaf length (FLL) were one medium-late maturing cultivar (Donginl), medium maturing cultivar (Yeonganbyeo), eight early maturing cultivars (Samcheonbyeo, Jounghwnbyeo, Munjangbyeo, Taebongbyeo, Odaebyeo, Samhaegbyeo, Sobaegbyeo, Sinunbongbyeo), two long-il type cultivars (Samgangbyeo, Namcheonbyeo), and three special use cultivars (Heukseonchalbyeo, Jinbuchalbyeo, Yangjobyeo). Cultivars torn off below 1/10 FLL were eight medium-late maturing cultivars (Chucheongbyeo, Daecheongbyeo, Saechu cheongbyeo, Donganbyeo, Daeyabyeo, Hwamyeongbyeo, 방eongsanbyeo, Dongjinbyeo) and two medium maturing cultivays (Donghaebyeo, Gumobyeo2). The rest cultivars were tore off by 1/10∼1/2 ELL. In yield components, the longer was flag leaf damage, the lower was ripened grain ratio, grain weight and brown/rough rice ratio, which was severly impacted to late than to ordinary season cultivation. However, rice yield did not decrease up to tearing by 1/10 ELL. Head rice ratio decreased from flag leaf tearing over 1/10 ELL in late season cultivation. The longer was flag leaf damage, the lower was eating quality, which could not show significantly different.



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