- 기상연보 기상청
- 환경생물 v.20 설악산 전나무 고목림의 자연성 판단을 위한 기초연구 윤영일
- 내설악 전나무 고목림에 존재하는 고사목에 관한 기본자료조사 장동원;윤영일
- Forest Ecology(4th ed.) Barnes BV;DR Zak;SR Denton;SH Spurr
- For. Ecol. Man. v.126 Catastrophic windthrow in the southern Appalachians: characteristics of pits and mounds and initial vegetation responses Clinton BD;CR Baker
- Harvard For. Bull. v.25 Vegetation adjacent to the border of the Wisconsin drift in Potter County, Pennsylvania Goodlet JC
- For. Ecol. Man v.104 Forest disturbance in hurricane-related downbursts in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina Greenberg CH;WH McNab
- Dierschke: Struktur und Dynamik von Waldern. Berichte interntionalen Symposium. Internationalen Verein der Vegetationskunde. Cramer/Vaduz Waldverjungung, Sukzessionsmosaik und kleinstandortliche Differenzierung infolge spontaner Waldentwicklung Koop H.
- Harvard For. Pap. v.15 Mound and pit microrelief in relation to soil disturbance in New Brunswik Canada Lyford WH;DW MacLean
- For. Eol. Mn. v.154 Empirical modeling of cutblock edge windthrow risk on Vancouver Island, Canada, using stand level information Mitchell SJ;T Hailemariam;Y Kulis
- Naturschutz im Wald Scherzinger W
- For. Ecol. Man. v.135 The effects of windthrow on forests at different spatial scales: a review Ulanova NG