- 대한가정학회지 v.36 no.10 가족 가치관의 세대별 비교 연구- 노년, 중년, 청소년 세대를 중심으로 김경신
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- 이화여자대학교 석사학위 청구논문 성인 초기 자녀의 부모 부양 의식에 관한 연구 - 사회교환론과 상호적 상징작용론적 접근 신수진
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- 성신여자대학교 박사학위 청구논문;한국의 사회 지표 노부모가 지각하는 성인 자녀와의 결속도 및 갈등에 관한 연구 최정혜
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- Caregivng, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research v.60 A communication perspective on attachment relationships and internal working models Bretherton,I.;E.Waters(ed.);B.E.Vaughn(ed.);G.Posada(ed.);K.Kondo-ikermura(ed.)
- The Gerontologist v.25 no.1 Parent care as a normative family stress Brody,E.M.
- Journal of Gerontology v.38 no.5 Women's changing roles and help to elderly parents: Attitudes of three generations of women Brody,E.M.;Johnsen;P.T.;Fulcomer,M.C.;Lang,A.M.
- Journal of Gerontology v.39 no.6 What should adult children do for elderly parents and opinions and preferences of three generations of women Brody,E.M.;Johnsen,P.T.;Fulcomer,M.C.
- Attachment and loss Bowlby,J.
- The Gerontologist v.15 no.1 Life space and the social support system of the inner city elderly of New York Cantor,M.
- Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory Gender, relation, and difference in psychoanalytic perspective Chodorow,N.J.;N.J.Chodorow(ed.)
- Marriage and the Family v.45 no.4 Adult children's attachment and helping behaviors to elderly parents: A path model Cicirelli,V.G.
- Family Relations v.49 no.2 An examination of the trajectory of the adult child's caregiving for an elderly parent Cicirelli,V.G.
- The Gerontologist v.39 no.3 Types of conflicts and tensions between older parents and adult children Clarke,E.J.;Preston,M.;Raskin,J.;Bengtson,V.L.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.71 no.4 Working models of attachment: Implications for explanation, emotion, and behavior Collins,N.L.
- Family Relations v.49 no.2 Young adult children and grandchildren in primary caregiver roles to older relatives and their services needs Dellmann-Jenkins,M.;Blankemeyer,M.;Pinkard,O.
- Handbook of Aging and the Family Historical perspectives on the family and aging Hareven,T.K.;R.Blieszner(ed.);V.H.Bedford(ed.)
- The Gerontologist v.25 no.6 Sons and daughters as caregivers to older parents: Differences in role performance and consequences Horowitz,A.
- The Gerontologist v.25 no.2 The quality of relationships bewteen elderly parents and their out-of town children Moss,M.S.;Moss,S.Z.;Moles,E.L.
- The Gerontologist v.37 no.6 Gender and relationship differences in caregiving patterns and consequences among employed caregivers Neal,M.B.;Ingersoll-Dayton,B.;Starrels,M.
- Journal of Gerontology v.49 no.5 Attachment among adult children and their institutionalized parents Pruchno,R.A.;Peters,N.D.;Kleban,M.H.;Burant,C.J.
- The Family Coordinator v.27 Correlates of aged parents' filial responsibility expetation and realization Seelbach,W.C.
- The Gerontologist v.19 no.1 Social myth as hypotheis: The case of the family relations of old people Shanas,E.
- The Gerontologist v.19 no.2 The family as a social support system in old age Shanas,E.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.57 no.2 Factors that dispose middle-aged sons and daughters to provide social support to older parents Silverstein,M.;Parrott,T.M>;Bengtson,V.L.
- The Gerontologist v.23 no.6 Caregivers who live with dependent elderly Solde,B.J.;Myllyluoma,L.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.52 no.2 Sons, daughters, and intergenerational social support Spitze,G.;Logan,J.
- The Gerontologist v.30 no.2 Males as helpers: The role of sons, relatives, and friends Stoller,E.P.
- Parent-Child Relations throughout LIfe Family conflict when children and elderly parents share a home Suitor,J.J.;Pillemer,K.;K.Pillemer(ed.);K.McCarteney(ed.)
- International Journal of Aging and Human Development v.34 no.2 Motivations for parent care: The case of filial children in Korea Sung,K.T.
- The Gerontologist v.35 no.2 Measures and dimensions of filial piety in Korea Sung,K.T.
- Life Span Development and Behavior v.7 Infant-mother attachment: New directions for theory and research Thompson,R.A.;Lamb,M.E.;P.Batler(ed.);D.Featherman(ed.),R.Lemer(ed.)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.46 no.2 Mothers and daughters: Aid patterns and attachment Thompson,L.;Walker,A.J.
- The Gerontologist v.36 no.6 The burden of aging: A theoretical framework for understanding the shifting balance of caregiving and care receiving as cohort age Uhlenberg.P.
- Journal of Family Issues v.13 no.4 Consequences of parent-adult child coresidence Ward,R.A.;Spitze,G.
- The Place Attachment in Human Behavior Attachment in adult life Weiss,R.S.;C.M.Parkes(ed.);J.Stevenson-Hinde