The Necessity Analysis of Development Waterproofing Materials and Methods of Construction Technologies for Green Roofs

옥상녹화시스템의 방수재료 및 공법개발에 관한 필요성 분석

  • 권시원 (B&K 방수기술연구소) ;
  • 조일규 ((주)리뉴시스템 기술연구) ;
  • 배기선 ((주)리폼시스템, 기술영업본) ;
  • 오상근 (서울산업대학교 건설대학 건축학부)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


The need for this study must be considerable. as being activate of green roofs research that the organization and construction obtain access to more development technologies. Nevertheless, the green roofs system has begun to apply since 1980's, the green roofs technology was restricted to develop without verification of technologies such as a load or water leakage. There is a limit as urethane waterproofing to almost domestic waterproofing materials and methods of construction for general green roofs. The introduction of materials and methods of construction which are appropriated to property of green roofs could be a decisive factor in a long-range durability and economical maintenance cost, moreover, it support to variety construction system and organization. This present paper describes a necessity of waterproofing and root barrier system is one of the sub-organization based on green roofs construction. which have enormously large impact on the durability.



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  1. Performance Evaluation System for Construction Environment of the Unified Waterproofing-Root Resistance Membrane layer of the Green Roof System vol.11, pp.2, 2011,
  2. Performance Evaluation for the Application of Roof Green Box Unit System Combined with Engineering P.E.Waterproof and Root Penetration Sheet vol.16, pp.2, 2016,
  3. Greenhouse Test Results for Two Years of Sheet shaped Root Barrier Materials Apply to Green Roof System for Sustainable Building Construction vol.11, pp.6, 2011,