배전계통에 있어서 최적 손실산정 기법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Optimal Method of Loss Calculation in Distribution System

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Recently, the needs and concerns for the power loss are increasing according to the energy conservation at the level of the national policies and power utilities's business strategies. Especially, the issue of the power loss is the main factor for the determining the electric pricing rates in the circumstances of the deregulation of electrical industry. However, because of the lacking of management for power loss load factors (LLF), it is difficult to make a calculation for the power loss and to make a decision for the electric rates. And loss factor(k-factor), which is a most important factor for calculation of the distribution power loss, has been used as a fixed value of 0.32 since the fiscal year 1973. Therefore, This study presents the statistical calculation methods of the loss factors classified by load types and seasons by using the practical data of 65 primary feeders which are selected by proper procedures. Based on the above the algorithms and methods, the optimal method of the distribution loss management classified by facilities such as primary feeders, distribution transformers and secondary feeders is presented. The simulation results show the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed methods.



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