- American Journal of Botany v.46 no.9 Mineral nutrition and flower to flower pollen size variation Bell,C.R.
- American Journal of Botany v.27 The identification of species in fossil pollen of Pinus by size -Frequency determination- Cain,S.A.
- Pollen et Spores v.4 Size variation: pollen of three taxa of Betula (Ⅰ) Clausen,K.E.
- Forestgenetik Forestpflanzenzuchtung v.1 Relationships and species hybridization in the Genus Pinus Ztschr Duffield,J.W.
- An Introduction to pollen analysis Erdtman,G.
- Munksgard. Copenhagen. Textbook of pollen analysis Faegri,K.;J.Iversen
- Textbook of dendrology Harlow,W.M.;E.S.Harrar
- Pollen grains of Japan Ikuse,M.
- Pollen: Illustrations and scanning electronicgraphs Iwanami,Y.;T.Sasakuma;Y.Yamada
- Manual of cultivated conifers Krusmann,G.
- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club v.85 Effects of temperature on pollen characters Kurtz,E.B.;J.Liverman
- Taxonomy of vascular plants Lawrence,G.H.M.
- Can. Jour. Bot. v.56 Pollen dimorphism in silene alba (Caryophilaceae) McNeil,J.;C.W.Crompton
- The Genus Pinus Mirov,N.T.
- An illustrated guide to pollen analysis Moore,P.D.;J.A.Webb
- Amer. Jour. Bot. v.65 no.10 Features of pollen flow in dimorphic species of Lythum Section Euhyssopifolia Ornduff,R.
- Die naturichen pflanfamilien(2nd. edt.) v.13 Pinaceae Pilger,E.;Engler,A.(ed.);K.Plantl(ed.)
- Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs Rehder,A.
- The genus Pinus no.5 Shaw,G.R.
- Journal of Japanese Forestry Society v.52 no.6 Differences of fertility by combining crosses in Japanese pines Shibata,M.
- Study of palynology Ueno,J.
- Palynological conference Pollen et phylogenie chez les coniferes pollen morphology and plant taxonomy Van Campo-Duplan,M.
- C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris v.272 Precisions nouvelles surles structures comparees de pollen des gymnosperms et d' angiosperms Van Campo-Duplan,M.
- 전북대학교 농대 논문집 v.26 화분형태와 동위효소에 의한 소나무속 동정 김계환;F.A.Aravanopoullos;L.Zsuffa
- 한국임학회지 v.78 no.1 한±뭘Ⅰ 버드나무속 화분의 형태적 연구 김계환;고대식;L.Zsuffa
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- 소나무와 우리 문화 한국산 소나무 주요 수종의 유전변이 김진수;이석우
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