A Study on Manufacturing of Korean Sauce Described in "Jeungbosallimgyeongje"

"증보산림경제"의 장류(醬類) 조리 가공에 관한 연구

  • 김성미 (계명대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이춘자 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


The “Jeungbosallimgyeongje” was literature reviewed about the manufacture of Korean sauces. Furthermore, in order to investigate the changes made by time period, other literatures, “Eumsigdimibang(1670s)”, “Sallimgyeongje(1715)”, “Gyuhapchongseo(1815)” and “Choson­mussangyorijebeop(1930)”, were compared. The ingredients mentioned included soy beans, flour, barley, elm trees, red beans and blue beans, etc. In addition, the shapes and sizes of dried soybean paste brick were varied. “Manchojang”, which designated the kind of hot pepper paste, appeared in this book for the first time. During its manufacturing process, it was characteristic to add dried bean paste, sea kelp and fish to produce a novel and higher quality product. From the above mentioned books, we found out that Koreans used only the soybeans and Chinese a mixture of buckwheat, flour and barley in addition to soybeans to make their traditional sauces. According to the“ Gyuhapchongseo” , there was a slight difference in ingredients to add for the manufacture of fish sauce, but the manufacturing methods and the one year period needed for maturing the ingredients were the same.. However, in the “Chosonmussangsinsikyrijebop”, fish sauce and meat sauce were classified separately and their manufacturing methods were different as well. In conclusion, the ingredients of used for the sauces recorded in “Jeungbosallimgyeongje” were various and at first hot pepper sauce made from “Manchojang” appeared and additionally red peppers were added to five kinds of Korean paste and red pepper powder were added to two kinds of Korean paste. The manufacturing method of the sauces changed according to time period, for example, only soybean has been used in Korean traditional sauces and other ingredients used as for Chinese ones eventually disappeared.



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