The Characteristics of Persimmon Juice Dyeing Using Padding and UV Irradiation Method (Part I) -Color and Properties of Persimmon Juice Dyed Cotton Fabrics-

패딩과 자외선 조사법을 이용한 감즙 염색 특성(제1보) -감즙 염색 면직물의 염색성과 물성-

  • 한영숙 (제주대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 이혜자 (한국교원대학교 가정교육) ;
  • 유혜자 (서원대학교 의류직물학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


Unripe indigenous persimmons which contain rich tannins have been used as natural dye materials traditionally and have been using continuously for dyed clothes named Gal-ot in Jeju. Those persimmons were cheap and easy to use as dyes because of inedible and widely cultured in Korea. Persimmon juice dyes not only make fabrics brown-color but also give functional and hygienic properities such as stiffness, air ventilation of clothes, antibacterial activity, protectivity against ultraviolet light. However there are several serious problems which are ristriction of dyeing periods, longtime irradiation, uneven color and low color fastness etc. in persimmon juice dyeing. This study purpose to improve dye effect and method in order to enlarge useability of persimmon juice dyeing. Cotton fabrics were pad-dyed to 100% pick-up using padding machine after dipping in persimmon juice extracted from unripe persimmons indigenous from Jeju. It was possible and available to control pick-up rate. The color of dyed cotton fabrics by padding method was more even and repeatable than which by traditional hand method. Persimmon juice concentrations were 4 types of 10, 25, 50 and 100%. The more concentration increased, the more color deepened. UV Irradiation instead of sunlight was applied to color developing. Irradiation times were shortened till 1∼8 hrs. Same color values could be taken without water wetting which were required in sunlight irradiation. Tensile strengths of cotton fabrics pad-dyed with low concentration of persimmon juice decreased but recovered at high concentrations. Elongations(%) of cotton fabrics pad-dyed with persimmon juice were increased 1% more than undyed cotton in sunlight irradiation. Drape stiffness increased upto double times as much as.



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  20. 한국민속종합조사보고서 v.5 제주도편
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