비선형 육상 이동 위성방송 환경에서 DS-CDM-SQAM의 성능 연구

A Study on the Performance of DS-CDM-SQAM in Nonlinear Land Mobile Satellite Broadcasting Environments

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


In this paper, we p개pose DS-CDM-SQAM(Superposed Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) which is characterized by its smooth phase transition and small envelope fluctuation, and improves the power efficiency as compared to DS-CDM-QPSK of satellited-based DMB system(ITR-R BO.1130-4 System E) in a nonlinearly amplified channel. Computer simulation results show that the proposed DS-CDM-SQAM improves Eb/No by 1.7㏈ to maintain BER=1${\times}$$10^{-3}$ in nonlinearly amplified multipath mobile radio environments. Therefore, the proposed DS-CDM-SQAM system significantly improves the power efficiency in nonlinear land mobile satellite DMB environments.



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