현대 패션에 나타난 신체의 미의식에 관한 연구

A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness for Body expressed by Modern Fashion

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


The beauty of the body could separately be defined from area to area, but there can't be any universal definition of it that is applicable throughout the world. The modern discourses on the body have frequently dealt with that, and the beauty of the body should be studied in light of sociocultural background. In today's world fashion industry, the body is represented in various ways, and how to express the body itself is considered from diverse perspectives. As it's now required to approach to fashion from the sociocultural standpoint of the body. a semiotic interpretation method was introduced. The reason was that from the viewpoint of semiotics, the beauty of the body has different implications for society as cultural sign, and they also could be regarded as sociocultural codes. In order to improve new light on the aesthetic consciousness of the body and how it's represented in modern fashion, earlier studies and existing theories were examined. The semiotic interpretation method was used to find out what the aesthetic consciousness of the body stood for and what implication it had for fashion. And in which way fashion represented aesthetic consciousness, including satire, pleasure, grotesque and decadence, through the body was examined. Fashion creates an artificial beauty of the body, and change in the body is followed by change in fashion.



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