재정적 스트레스 및 재정문제에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 -미국 대학생을 중심으로-

Determinants of Financial Distress and Problems of College Students -An analysis of U.S. college students-

  • 백은영 (성균관대학교 경제학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


Using a sample size of 643 college students, this study examined the level of financial stress and financial problems of college students and investigated the factors related to stresses and problems. A majority of the students had experienced financial stress that interfered their study. Among the financial problems, spending problems were the most problematic. The results of the study indicated that financial knowledge and practice were important determinants of students' financial stress and problems. Some of the demographic variables, such as family income, were also important in predicting the students' spending problems. It was suggested that good financial practices of expenditure and maintenance of those practices were important to reduce or prevent financial problems and distress. Financial educators and parents should provide their support in helping students handle their finances responsively.



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