- Evloution v.45 Microgeographic genetic structure of morphological and life history traits in a natural population of Impatiens capensis Argyres,A.Z.;J.Schmit
- Am. J. Bot. v.75 Allozyme variation within and among mature populations of speckled alder (Alnus rugosa) and relationships with green alder (A. crispa) Bousquet,J.;W.M.Cheliak;M.Lalonde
- Evol. Biol. v.5 Some evloutionary consequences of being a plant Bradshaw,A.D.
- Perspectives on Plant Population Ecology Ecological significance of genetic variation between populations Bradshaw,A.D.;Dirzo,R.(ed.);J.Sarukhan(ed.)
- Spatial Processes: Models and Applications Cliff,A.D.;J.K.Ord
- Evolution v.50 Measurements of natural selection on floral traits in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Ⅱ. Selection through life-time male and total fitness Conner,J.K.;S.Rush;S.Kercher;P.Tennetten
- Am. Nat. v.136 Male and femal fertility variation in wild radish a hermaphrodite Devlin,B.;C.Ellstrand
- Evoluation v.42 Spatial genetic structure in a pouplation of Psychotria nerovosa. Ⅰ. Distribution of genotypes Dewey,S.E.;J.S.Heywood
- Genetics v.124 Spatial autocorrelation of genotypes under directional selection Epperson,B.K.
- Evoluation v.49 Fine-scale spatial structure: correlations for individual genotypes differ from those for local gene frequencies Epperson,B.K.
- Genetics v.121 Spatial auto-correlation analysis of the distribution of genotypes within populations of lodgepole pine Epperson,B.K.;R.W.Allard
- Am. Nat. v.128 Spatial autocorrelation analysis of flower color polymorphisms within substructured populations of morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea Epperson,B.K.;M.T.Clegg
- Science v.165 Differentiation of populations Ehrlich,P.R.;P.H.Ravan
- Am. J. Bot. v.72 Spatial distribution of genetic individuals in thickets of Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, a clonal shrub Huenneke,L.R.
- Evol. Biology v.7 Gene flow in seed plants Levin,D.A.;H.W.Kerster
- Evolution v.38 Inbreeding depression and proximity-dependent crossing succession in Phlox drummondii Levin,D.A.
- Plant and Soil v.90 The genetics of Frankia: a review Normand,P.;M.Lalonde
- Heredity v.71 Effects of spatially restricted pollen flow on spatial genetic structure of an animal-pollinated allogamous plant Ohsawa,R.;N.Furuya;Y.Ukai
- Nature v.277 Pollen dispersal and optimal outcrossing in Delphinium nelsoni Price,M.;N.M.Waser
- Nature v.284 Measurement of gene flow in Lupinus texensis Schaal,B.A.
- Heredity v.63 Spatial autocorrelation of genotypes in populations of Imatines pallida and Impatiens capensis Schoen,D.J.;R.G.Latta
- Science v.236 Gene flow and geographic sturcture of natural populations Slatkin,M.
- Biol. J. Linn. Soc. v.10 Spatial autocorrelation in biology 1. Methodology Sokal,R.R.;N.L.Oden
- Biol. J. Linn. Soc. v.10 Spatial autocorrelation in biology 2. Some biological implications and four applications of evloutionary and ecological interest Sokal,R.R.;N.L.Oden
- Am. Fern. J. v.73 Starch gel electrophoresis of ferns: A compilation of grinding buffers gel and electrode buffers, and staining schedules Soltis,D.E.;C.H.Haufler;D.C.Darrow;G.J.Gastony
- Handbook of Experimental Pollination Biology Optimal and actual outcrossing in plants, and the nature of plant pollinator interaction Waser,N.M.;M.Price;Jones,C.E.(ed.);R.J.Little(ed.)
- Eolution and the Genetics of Populations. Variability within and among Natural Populations v.4 Wright,S.