퓨전 디자인에 대한 해석의 연구 - 열림의 커뮤니케이션 수용 및 해석과정에 대한 고찰 -

A Study on the Interpretation in fusion Design - Consideration on the Reception of Open Aesthetic -

  • Published : 2004.04.01


In order to attain unique aesthetic value, diversity of meanings of Fusion Design, 'openness', requires meaning interpreting process(communication) which harmonizes and combines new codes suggested by authors(senders) and codes interpreted by public(receivers). For this harmony, we should consider all the art aspects(integration of synchronic and diachronic, anti-rationalism ideology, negative concept) that are bases of creativity of Fusion Aesthetics. Moreover, we can approach open thought system of Fusion Design through theories of Entropy and Rhizome. This point of view which allowed a categorical means of natural science theory to be used in design context changed a methodic or interpretative perception. Not only in art interpreting process does Fusion Design take openness as one of its necessary factors but also in creating process, which enables a work of art to be opened at the maximum. In conclusion, the significance of fusion design is to suggest an ideal model of communication abstracted from open art works.



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