정보추출의 기술 현황

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


최근 인터넷이 급속히 발전하면서 우리는 정보홍수 속에서 살아가고 있다. 넘쳐나는 정보 속에서 유용한 정보를 찾는다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 이런 어려움 때문에 원하는 정보를 찾기 위해 하루에도 많은 시간을 인터넷과 씨름하면서 보낼 것이다. "여러분은 인터넷에서 원하는 정보를 쉽게 찾을 수 있었나요\ulcorner" 모르긴 해도 하루 종일 원하는 정보를 찾기 위해 이 누리집 저 누리집을 누비고 다녔을 것이다.고 다녔을 것이다.



  1. 정보과학회 논문지: 소프트웨어 및 응용 v.28 no.2 MORPHEUS: 확장성이 있는 비교쇼핑 에이전트 양재영;김태형;최중민
  2. 정보과학회 논문지: 소프트웨어 및 응용 v.29 no.1-2 준구조화 정보소스에 대한 지식기반 Wrapper 학습 에이전트 서희경;양재영;최중민
  3. Artificial Intelligence v.150 no.1-2 Information extraction from case law and retrieval of prior cases Jackson, P.;Al-Kofahi, K.;Tyrrell A.;Vachher, A.
  4. Proceeding of Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain, ACL-2002 Medstract: Creating large-scale information servers for biommedical libraries Pustejovsky, J.;Castafio, J.;Saurl, R.;Rumshisky, A.;Zhang, J.;Luo, W.
  5. IEEE Computer v.32 no.6 Digital Libraries and Autonomous Citation Indexing Lawrence, S.;Giles, C. L.;Bollacker, K.
  6. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Adaptive information extraction: Core technologies for information agents; Intelligent Information Agents R&D in Europe: An AgentLink perspective Kushmerick, N.;Thomas, B.;Klusch, Bergamaschi(ed.);Edwards(ed.);Petta(ed.)
  7. Tutorial Note of The Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2003) Information extraction from the world wide web Cohen, W.;McCallum, A.
  8. Text Searching with Templates Cambridge Language Research Unit Memo ML. 156 Wilks, Y.
  9. AFIPS Conference Proceedings v.45 From Text to Structured Information: Automatic Processing of Medical Reports Hirschman, L.;Grishman, R.;Sager, N.
  10. Strategies for Natural Language Processing An overview of the FRUMP system de Jong G.;W. G. Lehnert(ed.);M.H.Ringle(ed.)
  11. Goals and Understanding: an Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures Schank, R. C.;Abelson, R. P.
  12. Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intellignece ATRANS: Automatic processing of money transfer message Lytinen, S.;Gershman, A.
  13. Commun. ACM v.39 no.1 Information extraction Cowie, J.;Lehnert, W.
  14. MS Thesis, Department of Engineering and Physics and Methematics, Helsinki University of Technology Extracting information from the World-Wide Web: A Case Study of Fuel Cell Contracts Seitsonen, L.
  15. Proceedings of IJCAI-93 FASTUS: A finite-state processor for information extraction from real-world text Applt, D.;Hobbs, J.;Israel, D.;Tyson, M.
  16. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Software Agents AAAI
  17. The World Wide Knowledge Base Project Mitchell, T.(et al.)
  18. Machine Learning v.34 no.1-3 Learning information extraction rules for semi-structured and free text Soderland, S.
  19. Artificial Intelligence v.118 Wrapper induction: efficiency and expressiveness Kushmerick, N.
  20. AI Magazine v.18 no.4 Empirical methods in information extraction Cardie, C.
  21. Decision Support Systems Journal v.35 no.1 Automatic information extraction from semi-structured web pages by pattern discovery Chang, C.-H.;Hau, C.-N.;Lui, S.-C.
  22. Computational Linguistics v.21 no.4 Tranformation-based error driven learning and natural language processing Brill, E.
  23. Journal of Natural Language Engineering v.2 no.4 Partial parsing via finite-state cascades Abney, S.
  24. Machine Learning v.34 no.1-3 An algorithm that learns what's in a name Bikel, D.;Schwartz, R.;Weischedel, R.
  25. Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Text Data Mining of ISMB 2002 Corpus-based approach to biological entity recognition Kim, J.-D.;Tsjuii, J.
  26. Journal of Computational Biology v.10 no.6 Mining the biomedical literature in the genomic era: An overview Shatkay, H.;Feldman, R.
  27. 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학과 석사학위 논문 은닉마르코프 모델을 이용한 정보추출 엄재홍
  28. Computational Linguistics v.27 no.4 A machine learning approach to coreference resplution of noun phrases Soon, W.;Ng, H.;Lim, D.
  29. Proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Improving machine learning approaches to coreference resolution Ng, V.;Cardie, C.
  30. SIGMOD Record v.27 no.3 Database techiques for the world wide web: Survey Florescu, D.;Levy, A.;Mendelzon, A.
  31. 한국인터넷정보학회 v.2 no.3 웹 정보 추출의 동향 윤보현;황이규;정의석;임수종;왕지현;임명은
  32. SIGMOD Record v.31 no.2 A brief survey of web data extraction tools Laender, A.;Ribeiro-Neto, B.;da Silva, A.;Teixeira, J.
  33. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research v.18 Wrapper maintenance: A machine learning approach Lerman, K.;Minton, S. N.;Knoblock, C. A.
  34. World Wide Web Journal v.3 no.2 Wrapper verification Kushmerick, N.
  35. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data Template-based wrappers in the TSIMMIS system Hammer, J.;Breuning, M.;Garcia-Molina, H.;Nestorov, S.;Vassalos, V.;Yerneni, R.
  36. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst Information Extraction as a Basis for Portable Text Classification Systems Riloff, E. M.
  37. Proceedings of the fifteeth national/tenth conference on Artificial intelligence/Innovative appications of artificial intelligence Learning to extract symbolic knowledge from the world wide web Craven, M.;Dipasqua, D.;McCallum, A.;Mitechell, T.
  38. 정보과학회지 v.21 no.3 시맨틱 웹의 개요와 연구동향 최중민
  39. Information Systems v.23 no.8 Grammars have exceptions Crescenzi, V.;Mecca, G.
  40. Prcoeedings of 14th . International Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE 98) WebOQL: Restructuring Documents, Databases and Webs Arocena, G.;Mendelzon, A.
  41. Proceedings of 8th International World Wide Web Conference A query language for XML Florescu, D.;Deutsch, A.;Levy, A.;Suciu, D.;Fernandez, M.
  42. Compaq's Web Language A Programming Language for the Web Marais, H.
  43. XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques Automating the web with WIDL Allen, C.A.;Dan Connolly(ed.)
  44. Data Knowledge Engineering v.36 no.3 Building inelligent web applications using lightweight wrappers Sahuguet, A.;Azavant F.
  45. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'2000) XWRAP: An XML-enabled wrapper construction system for Web information sources Liu, L.;Pu, C.;Han W.
  46. TR DIA-76-2003. Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione, Universita degli Studi Roma Tre On Automatic Information Extraction from Large Web Sites Crescenzi, V.;Mecca, G.
  47. Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 001) Visual web inforamtion extraction with Lixto Baumgartner, R.;Flesca, S.;Gottlob, G.
  48. Proceedings of the Conference on Cooperative Information Systems Jedi: Extracting and synthesizing information from the web Huck, G.;Fankhauser, P.;Aberer, K.;Neuhold, E. J.
  49. Working Papers of the ACL-97 Workshop in Natural Language Learning Relational learning of pattern match rules for information extraction Califf, M.;Mooney, R.
  50. Machine Learning. v.39 no.2-3 Machine learning for information extraction in informal domains Freitag, D.
  51. Poceedings of the 17th National Conference on Artificial Intellignece AAAI-2000 Boosted wrapper induction Freitag, D.;Kushmerick, N.
  52. Proceedings of 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001) Adaptive information extraction from text by rule inducation and generallisation Ciravegna, F.
  53. Proceedings of Workshop on Software Tools for Developing Agents, AAAI-98 The Wrapper Induction Environment Kushmerick, N.;Grace, B.
  54. Proceedigns of IJCAI-99 Workshop on Text Mining: Foundations, Techiques and Applications Finite-state transducers for semi-Structured text mining Hsu, C.-N.;Chang, C.-C.
  55. Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on AI and Information Integration, Technical Report WS-98-01 STALKER: Learning extraction rules for semistructured. Web-based information sources Muslea, I.;Minton, S.;Knoblock, C. A.
  56. Journal of Machine Learning Research v.4 Bottom-up relational learning of pattern matching rules for Infromation Extraction Califf, M.;Mooney, R.
  57. Masters Thesis, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calfornia Information Extraction Using Hidden Markov Models Leek T.
  58. Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI-2000 Information extraction with HMM structures learned by stochastic optimization Freitag, D.;McCallum, A.
  59. Technical Report #945 Information extraction from world wide web - A survey Eikvil, L.
  60. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Wrapper Induction for information extraction Kushmerick, N.;Weld, D.;Doorenbos, B.
  61. Proceedings of SIGMOD'98 NoDoSE- A tool for semi-automatically extracting structured and semistructured data from text documentsq Adelberg, B.
  62. Data and Knowledge Engineering v.40 no.2 DEByE - Data extraction by example Laender, A. H. F.;Ribeiro-Neto, B.;Silva, A. S.
  63. ISTA2003 An integrated ontology development environment for data extraction Liddle, S. W.;Hewett, K. A.;Embley, D. W.
  64. IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications v.16 no.6 Challenges in information extraction from text for knowledge management Ciravegna, F.