개인적 변인과 환경적 변인이 아동의 게임중독경향에 미치는 영향

The Individual and Environmental Variables that Affect Children’s Game Addiction Tendency

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


This study examined different individual and environmental factors that affect children's game addiction tendency. As individual variables, game user' motivation, self-control, and self-esteem were included in the analysis. As family variables, communications with mothers, parental control of children's computer use and parental internet use were examined, as school variables, school adjustment and teacher's supervision of children's computer use, and as peer variables, peer group's attitude toward computer games were used. The sample consisted of 994 fifth and sixth grade children. Statistics and methods used for the data analysis were Cronbach's alpha, frequency, percentage, two way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and Hierarchical Regression. Several major results were found from the analysis. First, boys were addicted more than girls. No difference was found in the addiction tendency between the 5th graders and the 6th graders. Second, game users' motivation, that is, their interest-amusement motive, avoidance motive and aggressive motive, had a positive correlation with their game addiction tendency. However, self-control and self-esteem had a negative correlation with children's game addiction tendency. Third, problematic communications with mothers and parental control of children's computer use had a positive correlation with children's game addiction tendency. Open communications with mothers had a negative correlation with children's game addiction tendency. Fourth, school adjusaent had a negative correlation with children's game addiction tendency. And peer group's attitude towards computer games had a positive correlation with children's game addiction tendency. Fifth, low self-control, peer group's attitude towards computer games, children's interest-amusement motive, avoidance motive, aggressive motive, school lesson adjustment, parental control of children's computer use and school nile adjustment were important predicting variables of boy's game addiction tendency. Avoidance motive, low self-control, interest-amusement motive, peer group's attitude towards computer games, and parental control of children's computer use were important predicting variables of girl's game addiction tendency.



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