• Lee, Ju-Young (School of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University)
  • Published : 2004.01.01


Several computer programs have been developed to make stochastically generated weather data from observed daily data. But they require fully dataset to run WGEN. Mostly, meterological data frequently have sporadic missing data as well as totally missing data. The modified WGEN has data filling algorithm for incomplete meterological datasets. Any other WGEN models have not the function of data filling. Modified WGEN with data filling algorithm is processing from the equation of Matalas for first order autoregressive process on a multi dimensional state with known cross and auto correlations among state variables. The parameters of the equation of Matalas are derived from existing dataset and derived parameters are adopted to fill data. In case of WGEN (Richardson and Wright, 1984), it is one of most widely used weather generators. But it has to be modified and added. It uses an exponential distribution to generate precipitation amounts. An exponential distribution is easier to describe the distribution of precipitation amounts. But precipitation data with using exponential distribution has not been expressed well. In this paper, generated precipitation data from WGEN and Modified WGEN were compared with corresponding measured data as statistic parameters. The modified WGEN adopted a formula of CLIGEN for WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) in USDA in 1985. In this paper, the result of other parameters except precipitation is not introduced. It will be introduced through study of verification and review soon



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