- 전산구조공학 v.16 no.2 가상 일의 원리에서 유한요소코드, 그리고 Hydrocode까지 하재선
- Introducting V2.0
- UMTRI Report Anthropornetry of motor vehicle occupants D.H.Robbin
- 국립 기술 품질원 국민 표준 체위 조사 보고서 한국 표준 과학 연구원
- Amstrong Laboratory Report No. Al/CF-TR-1994-0051 Generator of Body Data(GEBOD) Manual H.Cheng;L.A.OBergefell;A.L.Rizer
- Three-dimensional flexibility charac-teristics of the human cervical spin in vivo, Spine v.23 no.2 P.McClure;S.Siegler;R.Nobilini
- Human movement science v.17 In Vivo measurement of the passive viscoelastic properties of the human knee joint S.R.McFaul;M.Lamontagne
- Journal of biomechanics v.35 Use of dual euler angles to quantify the three-dimensional joint motion and its application to the ankle joint complex N.Ying;W.Kim
- Ph.D. thesis, University of Technology mathematical head-neck models for acceleration impacts M. de Jager
- Journal of Biomechanics v.33 Intertial properties and loading rates affect buckling modes and injury mechanism in the cervical spine R.W.Nightingale;D.L.Camacho;A.J.Armstrong;J.J.Robinette;B.S.Myers
- Medical engineering and physics v.18 no.4 Human headneck biomechanics under axial tension N.Yoganandan;F.A.Pinter;D.J.Maiman;J.F.Cusick;A.Sances Jr;P.R.Walsh
- Journal of orthopaedic research v.4 Three-dimensional load-displacement curves dut to forces on the cervical spine M.M.Panjabi;D.J.Summers;R.R.Pelker;T.Videman;G.E.Friedlaender;W.O.Southwock
- Journal of biomechanics v.24 no.2 Variations of stiffness and strength along the human cervical spine M.Shea;W.T.Edwards;A.A.White;W.C.Hayes
- NHTSAS Report DTNH22-94-Y-07133 Tension responses of the human cervical spine R.Nightingale;B.S.Myers
$4^{th}$ World congress of biomechanics Experimental observations in cervical spine tensile testing V.C.Chancey;C.A.V.Ee;R.W.Nightingale;D.L.Camacho;B.S.Myers -
$18^{th}$ Injury biomechanics research, Proceedings of the thirtieth International Workshop Accounting for frame and fixation compliance in cervical spine tensile testing R.Nightingale;V.Chancey;J.Luck;L.Trad;D.Ottaviano;B.S.Myers - Jouranl of biomechanics v.35 Comparative strengths and structural properties of the upper and lower cervical spine in flexion and extension R.W.Nightingale;B.A.Winkelstein;K.E.Knaub;W.J.Richardson;J.F.Luck;B.S.Myers
- J. Biomechanics v.19 no.1 Mechanical properties for lumbar spine motion segments under large loads J.A.A.Miller;A.B.Schultz;D.N.Warwick;D.L.Spencer
- J. Spine v.10 no.6 Kinematics of the whol lumbar spine effect of discectomy V.K.Goel;S.Goyal;C.Clark;K.Nishiyama;T.Nye
- J. Bone and Joint Surgery v.54-a no.3 Deformation of the thoracolumbar intervertebral joints in response to external loads K.L.Markolf
- J. Bone and Joint surgery v.58-a no.5 Mechanical properties of the human thoracic spine as shown by three-dimensional load displacement curves M.M.Panjabi;R.A.Brand, jr.
- 22nd Stapp car crash conference, SAE780895 Whole-body human surrogate response to three-point harness restraint N.M.Alem;B.M/.Bowman;J.W.Melvin;J.B.Benson
$17^{th}$ Internal technical conference on the enhanced safety of vehicles human injury modeling - capabilities and limitations Oakley,C. - Human models for crash and impact simulation E.Haun;H.Y.Choi;S.Robin;M.Beaugonin
- H-Model reference manual I.H.Lee;H.Y.Choi
- SAE 973340 Cervical injury mechanism based on the analysis of human cervical vertebral motion and head-neck-torso kinematics during low speed rear impacts Koshiro Ono
- JARI research journal v.22 no.5 Finite element model for simulation of muscle effects on kinematic responses of cervical spine in low-speed rear-end impacts A.Wittek;K.OnolJ.Kajzer
- JARI reprot Analysis and comparison of reflex times and electromyograms of cervical muscles under impact loading using surface and fine-wirttek electrodes A.Wittek;K.Ono
- JSME International Journal, Series A v.43 no.1 Hill-type muscle model for analysis of mechanical efect of muscle tension on the human body response in a car collsion using an explicit finite element code A.Wittek;J.Kajzer;E.Haug
SAE 2000-01-SC13,
$44^{th}$ Stapp car carash conference Kinematics of human cadaver cervical spine during low speed rear-end impats B.Deng;P.C.Begaman;K.H.Yang;S.Tashman;A.I.King - Lea & Febiger Anatomy of the human body H.Gray
- Stapp car crash journal v.47 On the development of the simon finite element head model E.G.Takhounts;R.H.Eppinger;J.Q.Campbell;R.E.Tannous;E.D.Power;S.S.Shook
- 21st Stapp Car Crash Conference, SAE 770922 Intracranial pressure dynamics during head impact A.M.Nahum;R.Smith;C.C.Ward
- International Journal of Automotive Technology Development of finite element human neck model for vehicle safety simulaton I.H.Lee;H.Y.Choi;D.C.Han;J.H.Lee
- Ph.D thesis, Seoul National University Development of the finite element human neck model to evaluate crash injury I.H.Lee
$12^{th}$ Stapp car crash conference, SAE 680792 Dynamic response of the head and neek of the living human to Gx impact acceleration C.L.Ewing;D.J.Thomas;G.W.Beeler;L.M.patrick;D.B.Gillis -
Proceedings of
$13^{th}$ Stapp car crash conference, SAE 690817 Living human dynamic response to -Gx impact acceleration. II-Acceleratons measured on the head and neck C.L.Ewing;D.J.Thomas;L.M.Patrick;G.W.Beeler;M.J.Smith - SAE PT-45 Validity of Thoracic Injury Criteria Based on the Number of Rib Fractures, Biomechanices of Impact Injury and Jnjury Tolerances of the Thorax-Shoulder complex J.P.Verriest;A.Chapon
- SAE 710851 Impact Tolerance and Response of the Human Thorax C.Kroell;D.Schneider;A.Nahum
- SAE 741187 Impact Tolerance and Response of the Human C.Kroell;D.Schneider;A.Nahum
- SAE 892432 Biomechanical responses and Injuries in Blunt Lateral Impact D.Viano
- SAE 902310 Behavior of Human Surrogates Thorax under Belt Loading D.Cesari;R.Bouquet
- SAE 942209 Cmparison of Hybrid III and Human Cadaver Thorax Deformations Loadted by a Thoracic Belt D.Cesari;R.Bouquet