• Published : 2004.05.01


Given vectors x and y in a Hilbert space, an interpolating operator is a bounded operator T such that Tx = y. An interpolating operator for n vectors satisfies the equation $Tx_i\;=\;y_i,\;for\;i\;=\;1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;n$. In this paper the following is proved: Let H be a Hilbert space and L be a commutative subspace lattice on H. Let H and y be vectors in H. Let $M_x\;=\;\{{\sum{n}{i=1}}\;{\alpha}_iE_ix\;:\;n\;{\in}\;N,\;{\alpha}_i\;{\in}\;{\mathbb{C}}\;and\;E_i\;{\in}\;L\}\;and\;M_y\;=\;\{{\sum{n}{i=1}}\;{\alpha}_iE_iy\;:\;n\;{\in}\;N,\;{\alpha}_i\;{\in}\;{\mathbb{C}}\;and\;E_i\;{\in}\;L\}. Then the following are equivalent. (1) There exists an operator A in AlgL such that Ax = y, Af = 0 for all f in ${\overline{M_x}}^{\bot}$, AE = EA for all $E\;{\in}\;L\;and\;A^{*}\;=\;A$. (2) $sup\;\{\frac{{\parallel}{{\Sigma}_{i=1}}^{n}\;{\alpha}_iE_iy{\parallel}}{{\parallel}{{\Sigma}_{i=1}}^{n}\;{\alpha}_iE_iy{\parallel}}\;:\;n\;{\in}\;N,\;{\alpha}_i\;{\in}\;{\mathbb{C}}\;and\;E_i\;{\in}\;L\}\;<\;{\infty},\;{\overline{M_u}}\;{\subset}{\overline{M_x}}$ and < Ex, y >=< Ey, x > for all E in L.



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