• Li, Zhao-Xiang (Department of Mathematics, Central University for Nationalities) ;
  • Liu, Yan-Pei (Institute of mathematics, Northern Jiaotong University)
  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


A map is singular if each edge is on the same face on a surface (i.e., those have only one face on a surface). Because any map with loop is not colorable, all maps here are assumed to be loopless. In this paper po-vides the explicit expression of chromatic sum functions for rooted singular maps on the projective plane, the torus and the Klein bottle. From the explicit expression of chromatic sum functions of such maps, the explicit expression of enumerating functions of such maps are also derived.



  1. Enumerative Theory of Maps Yanpei Liu
  2. Chinese Ann. Math. v.11B Chromatic enumeration for rooted outerplanar maps Yanpei Liu
  3. Chinese Sci. Bull. v.34 Chromatic equation for rooted outerplanar maps Yanpei Liu
  4. Acta Math. Appi. Sinica v.3 Chromatic sum equations for rooted cubic planar maps Yanpei Liu
  5. Discrete Math. v.84 On chromatic and dichromatic sum equations for planar maps Yanpei Liu
  6. Embeddability in Graphs Yanpei Liu
  7. Discrete Mathematics v.204 Chromatic polynomials of homeomorphism classes of graphs Ronald C. Read;Earl Glen Whitehead Jr.
  8. Doctorial Dissertation. Northern Jiaotong University A census of maps on surfaces Han Ren
  9. Canad. J. Math. v.25 Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations: the case ${\lambda}$ = 1 and ${\lambda}$ = 2 W. T. Tutte
  10. Canad. J. Math. v.25 Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations II: the case ${\lambda}$ = r + 1 W. T. Tutte
  11. Canad. J. Math. v.25 Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations III: the case ${\lambda}$ = 3 W. T. Tutte
  12. Canad. J. Math. v.26 Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations Ⅳ: the case ${\lambda}$ = ∞ W. T. Tutte
  13. Canad. J. Math. v.26 Chromatic sums for rooted planar triangulations Ⅴ: special function W. T. Tutte
  14. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. v.74 On the enumeration of planar maps W. T. Tutte