Schizosaccharomyces pombe rsml Genetically Interacts with spmex67, Which Is Involved in mRNA Export

  • Yoon, Jin-Ho (Division of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Kangnung National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


We have previously isolated three synthetic lethal mutants from Schizosaccharomyces pombe in order to identify mutations in the genes that are functionally linked to spmex67 with respect to mRNA export. A novel rsm1 gene was isolated by complementation of the growth defect in one of the synthetic lethal mutants, SLMex1. The rsml gene contains no introns and encodes a 296 amino-add-long protein with the RING finger domain, a C3HC4 in the N-terminal half. The Δrsm1 null mutant is viable, but it showed a slight poly(A)$\^$+/ RNA accumulation in the nucleus. Also, the combination of Δrsm1 and Δspmex67 mutations confers synthetic lethality that is accompanied by the severe poly(A)$\^$+/ RNA export defect. These results suggest that rsm1 is involved in mRNA export from the nucleus.



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