Sexual Messages in the Media and Sexual Reactions of Adolescents - Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Sex -

영상매체 성메세지와 청소년의 성반응 - 성태도와 성행동을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sexual messages in the media on adolescents' attitudes and behaviors toward sex. Subjects of this study consisted of 488 high school students in Cheong-ju City. The findings of this study were as follows; First, sexual messages in the media influenced-adolescents' attitudes toward sex. The more exposure to sexual messages adolescents had more liberal and permissive attitude toward sex. Secondly, sexual messages in the media also effected adolescents' behaviors toward sex, as well. The less sexual messages that they were exposed to, they displayed less sexual relations and behavior. In particular, the number of sexual materials in mass media, variety of sexual messages, and types of school were significant factors in predicting adolescents' sexual intercourse. The research suggested that sexual messages in the media definitely had an effect on adolescents' attitudes and behaviors toward sex. Therefore, it should be encouraged to take advantage of the television V chip and screening software for computers to reduce inappropriate access for adolescents.



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