성인여성의 취업유형에 따른 쇼핑성향 및 구매기준 비교연구

Comparison on Shopping Orientations and Purchase Criteria according to the Occupational Status among U. S. Female Consumers

  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to compare shopping orientations and purchase criteria according to the occupational status; professionals, non-professionals, and homemakers among female consumers. Subjects were selected from mailing lists through a random sampling technique in the United States. Collection of the research data was made using an adaptation of the Total Design Method for implementing mail surveys. ANOVA, Regression, and Duncan Test were used to conduct the data analysis on 254 out of 1000 questionnaires. The three job status showed significant differences in 5 shopping orientations(sex role oriented, fashion conscious, credit oriented, catalog oriented, and value oriented). Even after controlling the effect of income and education level, significant differences were noticed in 4 shopping orientations, the exception being value conscious. Brand, price, and country of origin among the job status groups also showed significant differences in results for purchase criteria.



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