조사료 가치 평가를 위한 근적외선 분광법(NIRS)의 활용

Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) in Forage Evaluation

  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


Farmers need timely information on the nutritional status of their animals and the nutritive value of pastures and supplementary feeds if they are to apply successfully this existing nutritional information. Near infrared reflectance(NIR) spectroscopy has been used over the last forty years to analyse accurately protein, fiber, and other organic components in animal foods. NIR spectroscopy is a rapid, non-destructive, and non-polluting technology. When properly calibrated, NIR spectroscopy is used successfully with both concentrate and forage feeds. NIR methods predict in vitro digestibility accurately and precisely, and can predict in vivo digestibility at least as well as conventional "wet chemistry" methods such as in vivo digestion or the pepsin-cellulase method, and much more rapidly. NIR technology has been applied to the routine monitoring (through analysis of feces samples) of the nutritional status of cattle and other grazing animals. This report reviews the use of near infrared reflectance(NIR) spectroscopy to monitor the nutritive value of animal feeds and the nutritional status of grazing animals.



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