- 연안 저서환경 건강평가 기술 서울대학교
- 수질오탁 조사지침 일본 수산자원 보호협회
- 한국해양학회지-바다 v.5 광양만 표층퇴적물의 중금속 함량 및 분포 조영길;이창복;고철환
- 한국해양학회지 v.29 남해 대륙붕 표층 퇴적물중 중금속 원소의 분포특성 조영길;이창복;최만식
- BSPE 819-00-1407-7 남해 특별관리해역의 환경오염 관리모델 연구(1) 광양만 중심연구 한국해양연구원
- 한국해양학회지 v.8 광양만 및 여수해만 표층퇴적물의 지화학적 특성과 중금속 오염 현상민;최진성;이태희;최동림;우한준
- 하눅한경과학회지 v.11 외나로도 주변해역 퇴적물의 지화학적 특성과 저서 생물상 현상민;최진우;신경순;장만
- 한국해양학회지-바다 v.8 광양만에 서식하는 대형저서동물의 하계 공간분포양상 최진우;유옥환;이우진
- 환경생물 v.21 저서동물에 의한 여름철 광양만의 저서환경 상태파악 최진우;현상민;장만
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. v.48 Sedimentary pyrite formation: An update Berner,R.A.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. v.47 Burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in sediments over Phanerozoic time: a new theory Berner,R.A.;R.Raiswell
- Mar. Chem. v.1 The deposition of molybdenum in anoxic waters Bertine,K.K.
- J. Sed. Res. v.68 Diagenesis and remobilization of carbon and sulfur in mid-Pleistocene organic-rich freshwater sediment Bottrell,S.H.;J.A.Hannam;J.E.Andrews;B.A.Maher
- Mar. Geol. v.113 Geochemistry of recent oxic and anoxic marine sediments: implications for the geological record Calvert,S.E.;T.F.Pedersen
- Sci. Total Envrion. v.97-98 The sediment quality triad approach to determining pollution-induced degradation Chapman,P.M.
- Jour. Sed. Petrol. v.27 Brazos river bar: A study in the significance of grain size parameters Fork,R.L.;W.C.Ward
- Metal Pollution in the Aquatic Environment Forstner,U.;G.T.W.Wittmann
- Mar. Geol. v.197 Geochemistry of an exotic sediment layer above sapropel S-1: mud expulsion from the Urania Basin, eastern Mediterranean Hubner,A.;G.J. De Lange;J.Dittmer;P.Halbach
- Mar. Pollut. Bull. v.32 A mechanism for the enrichment of Cu and depletion of Mn in anoxic marine sediments, Bonwol intertidal flat, Korea Jung,H.S.;C.B.Lee;Y.G.Cho;J.K.Kang
- Geochim. Cosmochimica. Acta. v.47 An interpretation of carbon and sulfur relationship in Black Sea sediments as indicator of environments of deposition Leventhal,J.S.
- Mar. Geol. v.174 Trace metal evidence for changes in the redox environment associated with the transition from terrigenous clay to diatomaceous sediment, Saanich Inlet, BC Morford,J.L.;A.D.Russell;S.Emerson
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. v.41 C/N ratio in Pacific deep-sea sediments: effect of inorganic ammonium and organic nitrogen compounds sorbed by clays Muller,P.J.
- Deep-Sea Res. v.26 Productivity, sedimentation rate, and sedimentary organic carbon in the ocean - 1. Organic carbon preservation Muller,P.J.;E.Suess
- Sedimentation as a Three-Component System, Organic carbon, Carbonate Noncarbonate Ricken,W.
- Mar. Geol. v.177 Development of anoxic during the Holocene freshbrackish water transition in the Balic Sea Sohlenius,G.;K.C.Emeis;E.Andren;T.Andren;A.Kohly
- Geo-Mar. Let. v.10 Organic carbon content/sedimentation rate relationship and its paleoenvironmental significance for marine sediments Stein,R.
- Lecture Notes in Earth Science Accumulation of organic carbon in marine sediments Stein,R.;Somdev,B.(et al.)(ed.)
- Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult. v.24 Macrobenthic assemblages in Omura Bay-1. Community parameters versus bottom environmental factors Yokoyama,H.
- Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult. v.29 Envrionmental quality criteria for aquaculture farms in Japanese coastal area - a new policy and its potential problems Yokoyama,H.